Friday 15 July 2011

Target Audience

For our music video our target audience is 13-19 year old students, male and female. Their social group would be grunge/indie. They would be most likely to like films like The Hangover, The Pineapple Express, anything with a good sense of humor. Their media grouping would lead them towards other alternative/rock music such as All Time Low and Boys Like Girls.
When it comes to the social demographic scales, (A, B, C1, C2, D and E) my target audience will fall into the C1-D category.
The audience will be satisfied socially through the music and the video itself because it's going to be filmed at a party and as long as we get the right angles and edit the video properly,it could make them feel as though they want to be there at the party with their friends. Their social needs will also be fulfilled as their group of friends will listen to this music and they would therefore talk about it amongst themselves. It will satisfy them psychologically as they are a boyband, girls get to see a bit of eye candy and the boys could aspire to be in a band. The music also creates a psychological escapism for the audience as they feel like they're able to get away from everything and almost relate to their music. The video will also create escapism for the audience as they will see a relationship falling apart but everything's okay for the person who's being dumped and this will reassure them that everything's okay.
This music video does not follow the Utopian Solution as our music video doesn't show a perfect, ideal world as it goes against the ideologies of the perfect man and woman. This is because it is a pop/rock genre and nothings ever perfect.

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