Friday 16 December 2011

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Our music video was aimed at 15-25 year olds both male and female, in the C2/D category on the social demographic scale. For our focus group, we used a fellow student who is also working on music videos, one of our media teachers and the media technician. After watching our music video, they were all able to easily identify the narrative of the music video as well as being able to identify our target audience. Our focus group also understood that we chose this narrative, as our target audience are able to relate to this, as they are at the age where they find it important to be shown love and affection. Our focus group also stated that our music video appeared real and put on, i.e. the narrative is believable and it's not cliché. They also found it easy to identify the different actors within the music video, making it easier to understand the storyline taking place. They also pointed out that we followed the typical conventions of music videos, in my opinion this is something that makes it seem more professional. But in the future I think that it will be more intriguing if we were to use more of the unlikely conventions such as having a twist mid-way through the music video.

Unfortunately, our focus group were unsure whether or not our animation fitted in with our genre and style of our music video, but they found it to be a good thing to include based on the technical and creative and creative aspects of the animation. Overall, our focus group said that they really enjoyed our music video and there were only little things that needed improving; a short area of a clip needed to be lip synced properly, close ups and effects. In the future, we will definitely take more time in order to ensure that these things are done to please our target audience to the full potential.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We have created our brand identity by using the same house style for our Digi-Pak and our adverts by keeping the same theme of dark and bold colours, which contrast against each other; we chose to keep the theme the same in order to make them visible and eye catching for the audience. We thought it would be best to use the same layout throughout our Digi-Pak in order to represent the bands simplicity and organisation; they don't have to go to extreme lengths in order to prove a point and gain new fansOur music video also follows a similar house style as the Digi-Pak and advert; we kept the same colour theme, dark and bright in order to connote the previous relationship, the heartbreak and how Tommy is moving on from the event. We stuck to the same style of the band members as what was used in the Digi-Pak; the clothing they wore for the photo's was similar to the clothing featured in the music video. This was done in order to make them more appealing to the audience and also so the audience can decode the band members as being 'real' and not fake, i.e. trying to be someone they're not. The design of the Digi-Pak will help to sell the song/album to the audience as the colours used would stereotypically be classed as 'grunge' colours and our target audience would fit into the stereotype of being grungers/indies. As well as the colours being stereotypical, the colours also represent despair and loneliness, according to the uses and gratifications theory, the audience will see this as a form of escapism, as well as a form of entertainment. They will also find it appealing as it features images of the band members, for the female side of the audience, this will intrigue them they like to identify someone who can be their favourite band member. For the males, they may like to look at the images as they can see the band as someone that they would like to aspire to in the future as well as copying/using their image as an influence on themselves. I think that the advert design will help to sell the Digi-Pak as it they both use the same house design, e.g. colours and fonts, the design is quite similar; there is still a flare in the bottom left corner. But instead, we used hair Photoshop brushes as a band identification as they all have similar but different hairstyles. Based on our target audience, we understand that they take pride in their image, but most of all their hair, as hair is being used on the advert this will draw in the target audience and they would think that the band has the similar interests/hobbies as they do. The genre signifiers will help the audience to identify the band as an indie pop/rock group. Using the typical conventions such as guitars and drums playing in performance, the music video is performance/narrative based which will also help to identify the music as its genre. The mood throughout the music video is somber which signifies further that the band sing about love and romance, rather than an artist such as Kanye West; he sings mainly about himself being successful, making others feel inferior toward him. Our band music sings about the things that interest their audience that relates to them.

Thursday 15 December 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For our music video, we chose to use the song Fireworks by You Me At Six. This song falls into the pop/rock genre as it has an up beat tempo whilst using dull, disheartened lyrics. Our music video conforms and challenges the typical conventions. In music videos, the audience expect to see the things that appeal to them the most; for our target audience this is things that relate to their life. For our music video, based on our song, we chose to focus this on betrayl and heartbreak. But rather than having the boyfriend cheating on the girl, we chose to challenge the typical convention of this and instead, we had the girlfriend cheating. We chose to do it like this because a male figure is stereotyped to be the same; they are all unfaithful and they cannot hold a relationship with just one person.

In our music video, we chose to have both of the relationships shown, the one with the boyfriend and the relationship with the lover. We conformed to the lyrics of the song as in them, the band sings,'together we'd float, so delicately', using the boyfriend and the girlfriend together in past tense, we were able to reinforce the audience that the relationship has ended.
Throughout the editing of our music video, we found it really frustrating to lip sync the video; whenever we moved one clip, the rest would either move along or get cut. We conformed to typical conventions Goodwin identified by using the image and lyrics in relation to each other.

After viewing several other music videos, we were able to identify that songs of love and heartbreak, used the typical conventions such as somebody cheating, close ups, clips of the past, panning and movement tracking. We chose to conform this because it helps to connote the distraught that has been caused because of what's happened.
The typical conventions from the rock genre were the band identity, what makes them who they are. This includes their clothing, hair and choice of instruments used. We dressed them in dark clothing in order to keep the mood of the video despairing. We chose to use the pop genre as an influence on us by using close ups and quick shots in order to conform Goodwin's theory by trying to promote the band and the lead singer and making the music sell.
We chose to keep a dull effect throughout the video in order to show how distraught that Tommy is because of what's happened; we done this by desaturating the clips of his past relationship and use the clips of me and Mike in colour as it is what's present. Half way through the music video, we started to use clips of Tommy singing in colour, on his own. We done this so the audience can decode that he is trying to get back to the person that he used to be, before he had his heart broken. We chose not to have a dance routine included (which is a typical convention of a pop genre) because the majority of the audience will be able to relate to the song lyrics, in one way or another and the last thing they want to see is dancing.

We also challenged Laura Mulvey's 'Male Gaze Theory'. This theory states that women are shown as sex objects through camera angles in order to make them seen inferior and men have all of the power. Instead, we chose to have our female character (me), seen as an average person, e.g. fully clothed and not heavily made up. The audience can then decode this and realise that even the 'innocent' looking people have a hidden past or hidden secrets.
But on the other hand, our music video conforms to Mulvey's theory as it's the female character shown to be cheating, not the male; making her look like a whore. This is usually used in a pop genre, where they use women as a voyeuristic images creating an interest for men.

Digi-Pak's are made in order to make an album more appealing toward their target audience as there are bonus features that can only be seen if you purchase the specific Digi-Pak. Most of the Digi-Paks that we researched featured the artist on the cover or on the advert, we chose to challenge this convention and instead, use things that can allow the target audience to identify the band just from the signifiers that we've included. Rather than using the band on the Digi-Pak front cover, we chose to include them in on the inside of the Digi-Pak. We decided to do it this way in order to make the audience feel as though they have a huge significance for the band and the reason why the Digi-Pak was made in the first place. We chose to use the same colours throughout as they represent the bands music genre and the band as individuals, the 'indie' stereotype. On our Digi-Pak we included a bar code on the back cover so that the shop staff will be able to sell the product to the audience.

The conventions that we have used throughout the music video, Digi-pak and advert will make the band seem more appealing toward the audience. The dark colours represents depression and hurt whereas the contrasting brighter colours connote happiness; the audience will be able to decode what Sinful Agenda's music is, if they haven't already heard it. They will look to Sinful Agenda's music as a form of escapism, reinforcing Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory. By choosing to have a heartbreak based storyline it allows the audience to relate to it as they're between 15-25 and they can find themselves easily infatuated with another person. Some clips in our music video were shot in Leigh's garage; the audience may feel as though they want to aspire to be in a band, although most of them will probably already be in that stage as our target audience will have social or musical orientated hobbies.

We used montage and continuity editing rather than just having the one; we used the montage editing in order to show the different locations of Tommy singing various parts of the lyrics. This would make the audience realise that he is moving on from what has happened to him, this would also reinforce the self-seeking part of the uses and gratifications theory; if the audience were going through a similar situation, they would realise that it's okay to move on. We also used continuity editing with the relationships and the affair, so that the audience is able to keep up with the story. The animation was used in order to challenge the conventions as neither the pop or rock genre use animations in their music videos. But we used it in order to tell the story of our music video in short form.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Sinful Agenda Digi-Pak Advert Analysis

For our Digi-Pak advert, chose to kept the same theme as our Digi-Pak in order to reinforce the audience that the advert is for the current Digi-Pak and not for an older one. Rather than having a cliché advert, i.e. band photo airbrushed, we decided it would be better just to have an outline figure of what identifies each individual band member. After traking it into consideration we agreed on downloading Photoshop brushes of hair, this is because the female side of our target audience will be more attracted to boys with their hair like this and the boys in our target audience would have their hair like this, or similar. It would draw in the audience more because of this and also as it is an unusual way to promote a band.
Underneath the hair brushes, we chose to have the band members signatures. This makes it easier for the audience to distinguish each of the band members hair from the others, as well as making the audience feel special, as they have the band members signatures. We included the HMV logo in order to inform the target audience where they will be able to purchase the Digi-Pak from. We chose HMV as it is a well known, branded shop popular for music and entertainment. We decided to use the NME magazine review as this is the one that is most popular amongst our target audience, as the age group listen to what is heard from the media, they will be highly influenced by NME. We chose to have our release date a short space below the bands signatures, because once they'd finished looking at them they continue reading down the page and it will be the next thing they see. We chose to have it released early in December as our target audience can ask for it for Christmas, and the person purchasing the Digi-Pak will feel as though they haven't got a reason not to buy it as it is for an occasion and not for nothing.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Digi-Pak Analysis

The Digi-Pak front cover was made on Photoshop by using a plain and downloaded Photoshop brushes. When using the brushes, we decided that by using white and yellow, it would contrast well against the black background. At first, we intended on having ink sploges in order to allow the audience to decide on the image that they saw/wanted to see. After downloading a few
of these brushes and experimenting with them, they didn't look professional so we decided to download a flare effect brush.
In order to have several of the different brushes and brush co
lours, we had to create a new layer for each one as it made it easier to move the things around. On a couple of the brushes, we used a glow effect so it made the Digi-Pak stand out.
A new layer was then created in order to add the band name on, in white so it stood out as the brushes were slightly faded. We used the ORATOR STD font for the band and album name as it is quite simple, in order to even out with the fancy brushes. The two went well together and fitted in with our target audience.

In the bottom left corner, we inserted a slightly opaque grey circle which enabled us to inform the audience that it is a special Digi-Pak edition with bonus footage and the music video.
We believe that our Digi-Pak cover is one of a typical pop/rock cover as the dull colours and the mystery represent rock and the bright colours represent the pop side of the music as it has an upbeat tempo.

A profile page was used as the second part of our Digi-Pak containing information about the band, who they are and how they formed. As you can see, we maintained the same theme used for the front cover in order to avoid confusion about what Sinful Agenda's music is all about. By having a profile page, it will make the audience feel as though they know more about the band and their history therefore feeling closer to the band. Magazine and newspaper reviews are also featured to make it look professional and to highlight how good the album is. We chose to use these magazines and newspapers for the reviewers as they have the same sort of target audience that we have for our music.

On the next page, we chose to feature images of the band, yet again, the same theme is kept. But for this, we downloaded another set of Photoshop brushes in order to make it appear that the photo's are polaroid but as these looked unprofessional, we used a film roll type brush to make it look as though the album is 'fresh off the press'. We chose to stick to our initial idea of having individual headshots of the band members in order to prove to the audience that they will do anything for them, having individual photoshoots. We edited the images in order to keep the same theme used by making them slightly darker with a lowered saturation to stand out against the white film roll frames. By having individual headshots the audience are able to distinguish the different band members from one another, if they are unfamiliar with the band. The facial expressions used by the band members show that they like to have fun but they take their work seriously.

We chose two slightly different designs for the CD and DVD disc areas; we chose to have an opaque image of a disc for the background where the disc goes for both sides but in the bottom corners, where the two meet, we chose to do the brush designs slightly different to make it look as though it was flowing from one side to the other. As we kept the same theme again, it should create brand awareness for the audience and they should be able to identify, even just this area of the Digi-Pak compared to another artists.

The back cover of the Digi-Pak, containing the track list, has the same design as the front cover. We chose to do it like this in order to keep the audience drawn into the Facing The Insecure whilst using the same consistant design. But instead of having some white font, we decided to use a lighter shade of yellow as it keeps co-ordination as well as contrasting well with the background.

Sinful Agenda Digi-Pak Advert

Final Video, Sinful Agenda - Fireworks

Sinful Agenda Digi-Pak

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Progress Report - 29th November

As we had our final design for our digi-pak, we decided to create an advert for this. We kept the same theme of black, white and yellow, thus creating a house style. We thought we should use photo's of the band members but we didn't want to conform to the typical digi-pak advert conventions. And instead, downloaded some more Photoshop brushes of hair, underneath them we incorporated band member signatures. We included the HMV logo in the bottom right so that audiences will know where to buy the digi-pak.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Progress Report - 24nd November

We finished our music video editing, ensuring the lip syncs were correct as well as the colours and the visual transitions. Once this was complete we began creating our digi-pak and digi-pak advert; we created six 15x15cm black files. We downloaded several different Photoshop brushes to include on the cover. Our initial idea was to have ink sploges to create an interesting visualisation but as this looked unprofessional, we chose to have flares instead. We used different types of the flares, white and yellow and put them in each of the opposite bottom corners of the digi-pak. We kept the theme of white and yellow to use for the text.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Progress Report - 22nd November

We were able to complete the animation clips that we were using and inserting them into our music video. We decided to add the vignette editing that we used on the black and white clips because the animations also show the past and what has happened.
It was difficult to try and move the girl character as when we rotated her at a 90 degree angle, she stayed in the same place so we had to create a new centre point.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Progress Report - 16th November

We carried on filming Tommy again today, in the same clothes as previous. We wanted to add an emotional, dramtic sequence in our music video so we spent some time ripping up black paper to act as confetti. This took several takes in order to try and drop the confetti in the right areas; we chose to use black paper as it create a vivid contrast.

Monday 14 November 2011

Progress Report - 14th November

We noticed that we needed more clips of Tommy singing on his own in order to show how much of an impact the event had on him. Rather than filming it in an area similar to the last ones, we chose to have him on a plain white background, the audience will be able to decode the loneliness that he is experiencing. We managed to get some good close ups and panning shots.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Progress Report - 10th November

We carried on with the editing in order to fill the gaps that we had in our video as well as adding some more edits to the clips. We inserted a vignette to the past relationship clips which were in black and white. The audience will decode this as the past.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Progress Report - 8th November

We continued with editing of our music video, inserting clips as well as adding transition effects and editing the colours.

Friday 4 November 2011

Progress Report - 4th November

Today, we continued spending some time editing the animation as we planned to have several different clips, telling the story in short form. Once again, it took some time to do this procedure.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Progress Report - 2nd November

Today we continued with the animation editing, we found this to be a very stressful process as each clip takes a while to render; if there is a little mistake when we watch it back, we have to edit it again and repeat the process until it is right.

Monday 31 October 2011

Progress Report - 31st October

We uploaded all of the footage that was taken during the half term into Final Cut Express. This allowed us to use the clips which we needed in order to match the song and attain a fluent movement from one clip to another. We experimented with the colours by decreasing the saturation to make the clips black and white in order to make them more appealing toward the audience, as well as, increasing the colours and contrast to make them stand out.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Progress Report - 29th October

We took photos today in order to get images for our Digi-Pak and our Digi-Pak advertisement. We decided to take individual headshots rather than a group shot of the band in order to make the audience feel as though it was done personally for them to make them feel as they know the Tommy, Jack, Simon and Harvey for who they are.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Progress Report - 25th October

We went to the park in order to film some more of the Tommy and the me together, as a couple, arguing and breaking up. We managed to get some good footage of a 360 degree shot around Tommy singing with a slow zoom out away from him.

We also got some of me and Tommy arguing to let the audience know that things aren't going well between the two of us.

We also had Tommy walking down a path on his own in order to show that he is now alone and trying to get over what had happened.

For the last bit of our filming, we shot a scene of me and Tommy holding hands slowly walking away from each other which shows that Tommy couldn't be with someone who had been cheating. All of the shots were filmed handheld.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Progress Report - 19th October

Today we used Final Cut Express in order to make our animation, which none of us had ever used before in order to do an animation. At first we found it very difficult in order to make the different points of the animation flow, as the limbs kept going in a different place to where we intended them to be. Each limb had to be moved one by one to the centre of the frame in order to create the trail of movement that we wanted. We think that this will look well in our music video as it is a new programme that we have used and we haven't seen it done in previous work.

We found the animation to be a very time consuming thing as whenever we made a part of the animation we were happy with, it had to be rendered every time. This could have taken up to half an hour.

Monday 17 October 2011

Progress Report - 17th October

The group started on the preparations in order to make the animation. First off, we drew out the characters and scenery and colour them in. We then had to scan them in, in order to cut them out and make individual objects on Photoshop to insert them into Final Cut Express.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Progress Report - 12th October

Today we went to London Victoria in order to get more shots of the lead singer looking distraught and lonely, and also getting some of the singer and the actress together in order to show this as a memory of his in the music video. We did a panning shot of the station to use as an opening sequence in our music video.

A 360 degree shot of Tommy was then filmed in order to make it seem as though the world around him is spinning.
We also filmed an establishing shot of the main actress with both of the two boys, the boyfriend and the lover.

From London, we then made our way to Camden in order to get more of the storyline filmed and some of the lead singer, singing. We filmed the majority of our Camden shots, at Camden Locks by the river. Here, we were able to get the lead singer and the main actress walking as a couple by the river, as well as having her do the same with the person she was cheating with. We were going to use the two clips as a flashback of the lead singer remembering what was, and what is.

We then moved onto the other side of Camden Locks as it wasn't as busy. in this area we managed to get a shot of Tommy walking up the pathway singing, unfortunately we were only able to get one good shot from this as people kept tripping over us.

At the other end of the pathway, we filmed under the bridge where we were able to get some nice shots as their were some water reflections on Tommy.

Monday 10 October 2011

Progress Report - 10th October

In todays session, we filmed at Mike's house in order to get footage of our main actress cheating on the lead singer with another person in bed. For this, we thought that it would be a good idea to have the lead singer, singing in the corner of the room, panning down to the cheating girl. We thought this because it makes it looks as though he has just been pushed to one side like nobody cares. In this, we also experimented with lighting, focusing on the couple in bed, leaving the lead singer in a shadowed point to give the impression of him being left in the dark about what's happening.